Saturday, October 18, 2014

Kate Beckinsale Plastic Surgery Breast Implants, Nose Job Before and After Pictures

Has Kate Beckinsale Had Cosmetic Surgery?
People who have been fascinated by almost perfect figure of the English actress, Kate Beckinsale, sometimes wonder if she ever had celebrity plastic surgery.
Kate is among those inspirational actresses (see also Jaime Murray – another prominent British actress – and Mary Louise Parker cosmetic surgery) who have made their mark on Hollywood by sheer talent.
She started her career by doing minor roles in several English television series until her first popular public appearance in the film, Much Ado About Nothing.
Subsequent appearances in several notable British TV serials helped her gain enough fame to be trusted with leading roles in Hollywood films by the end of 1990s.

Kate Beckinsale Rises To Stardom With Plastic Surgery

Kate Beckinsale is one of the hottest actresses in Hollywood, playing everyone from action heroines to loving wives with great success. But Make Me Heal wonders if Kate would look so great without having had some plastic surgery along the way to stardom?

Kate Beckinsale, Breast Implants
35 year old Kate Beckinsale’s breast size fluctuates more than usual, even with the aid of push-up bras and tape that are de rigeur for Hollywood actresses. Make Me Heal wonders if Kate’s ever-changing breast size and shape are due to having implants taken in and out. The insert and removal has left her with significant stretch marks as well as sometimes sagging breasts.

Plastic surgeon Dr. John Di Saia confirms this possibility, telling Make Me Heal, “It looks like she has had breast implants in and out. I’ve seen old image of her looking freshly post-op.”

Kate blames her stretch marks on pregnancy, saying, “A friend of mine kindly sent me those cuttings. But I’ve not had a breast job. The moment those rumors started was when people saw my stretch marks. I don’t know how people think you can go from eight-and-a-half stone to over 12 stone when you’re pregnant and not get them. I’ve got stretch marks everywhere.”

Breasts aren’t the only body part on Kate that fluctuates. Her lips are sometimes luscious and large and other times more natural appearing, indicating the use of lip fillers like Juvederm.
Those are “lip fillers at the very least,” says Dr. Di Saia.Kate Beckinsale, Plastic Surgery

At the very least indeed. Early pictures of Kate reveal a rather mousy looking person, not at all a big-screen favorite. Since then, Kate has had her teeth straightened and whitened. Her face has also filled out, either due to rumored chin and cheek implants or fat grafting, which is the latest way to look fresh and young in a world obsessed with youth.

Kate Beckinsale Plastic Surgery – An Amazing Cosmetic Procedure

What are the probable cosmetic operations that Kate Beckinsale might have undergone?

Botox and Filler Injections

This cosmetic operation left Kate Beckinsale looking younger and more charming. Her cheeks appear smooth, shiny and without any stress lines, frown lines and wrinkles. The Botox treatment was used on her cheeks to iron any frown and stress lines as well as wrinkles. The cheeks also appear fuller and fleshy.

Breast Augmentation

Kate Beckinsale might have undergone breast implants to align her bust with her overall figure. Her breasts look well sized and perfectly shaped. Her breast augmentation must have been done by an expert because they appear natural and as such you need to be very keen to see the modifications. Though one can get well shaped breasts by using the right bra, such perfection like that of Kate Beckinsale boobs can only be achieved through breast augmentation.

Nose Job
Analyzing her old and recent photos, you can tell that there are some alterations that were done on her nose. Rhinoplasty is a procedure that is usually carried out to correct and improve the form and structure of your nose. Most celebrities procure this cosmetic operation so that their nose can be reshaped in order to blend perfectly with the rest of their facial features.

Kate Beckinsale nose appear narrower and refined than it used to be. The nostrils leading to the tip of the nose also appears more refined. The surgeon must have done a perfect job because her nose though it’s more refined still looks natural.

Did Kate Beckinsale Undergo Cosmetic Enhancements?
For readers of gossip magazines, there is always something to talk about Kate Beckinsale who may have undergone at least three major plastic surgeries.
The most discussed feature of her body is the breast size that seems to keep on changing.
Despite arguments by critics, the actress has always denied that she ever had a breast job done.
Other celebs can’t deny that they’ve gone under the knife, however, as Jennifer Grey’s surgery has proved.
In an interview to the Sunday Express, Kate stated that “Nothing bothers me except the connotations of being a person who would have plastic surgery…That implies a kind of insecurity, shallowness and thoughtlessness that I don’t feel applies to me very much.”
She further stated that these rumors might have surfaced after exposing her stretch marks that she gained during pregnancy.
Still, critics point to her fluctuating breast size that looks normal with push-up bra and then seems to loose its luster with sagging breasts.