Thursday, May 15, 2014

Did Cheri Oteri have Plastic Surgery Before and After Nose Job, Chin Implants and Facelift

Has Cheri Oteri Had Cosmetic Surgery?
No reports have indicated that Cheri Oteri has admitted to having plastic surgery but then again, she has not denied the rumors either.
After appearing on a few red carpets in 2009 looking noticeable “refreshed”, which is sometimes code for “work has been done”, the blogosphere erupted in searches for the actual plastic surgeries Oteri may have had done.

There are several noticeable differences in her face that prompted people to question some facial features that look a lot different now than say five or ten years ago.
It is alleged that she has had a facelift without surgery, an eyelift, a blepharophasty (eyelid surgery), conservative rhinoplasty, a chin implant, botox and facial fillers.

Again, Oteri has neither confirmed or denied any such plastic surgery. In Hollywood, cosmetic surgery is an all too common occurrence but many celebrities are still guarded about disclosing such information. It is like the last big taboo that everyone is doing or perhaps more accurately, hiding in plain sight.
Cheryl Ann Oteri is best known as an American comic actress that has been playing in some movies such as Scary Movie, Shrek the Third and Southland Tales, and also Inspector Gadget. In her 50s age, she still looks so young and fresh hence it makes public wonder the secret of her youthful appearance. Some people predict that she has some works done so that she can still look amazing in her old age.

Did Cheri Oteri Get Plastic Surgery?

Public notice that Oteri’s appearance does not change much whereas her age is not young anymore; even she looks younger than the other women in her age. In her 50-year-old age her face does not show any aging signs like wrinkles and crow’s feet line around her eyes area. Therefore, Public predicts that she possibly has some ant aging treatment to maintain her youthfulness. Moreover her new face looks unnatural, frozen, and a bit weird. Such face appearance is usually caused by having overdone plastic surgery procedures.

If we look at before and after photos, Cheri Oteri has likely facelift surgery in which the signs of it can be seen through her tight face skin. On the other hand, if we look at on her new nose shape, it now has changed as well to be much more reshaped and thinner than before as if the surgeon has sculptured her nose through rhinoplasty surgery. Furthermore, her chin and cheek also appears to be injected with implants so that her cheek looks puffier and plumper while on her eyes area also do not show any eye bags so that it makes some people more believe that she has plastic surgery like blepharoplasty.
Generally women face in 50-year-old age usually will show some aging signs like wrinkles, crows feet line, and other line but what we see on Cheri’s face, it looks really different. Her face does not show any aging signs but it now looks so toned and flawless. Besides of those cosmetic surgery procedures above, it is possible that Cheri Oteri has some facial filler injection like Botox and Restylane or Juvederm because her face now looks so smooth and fresher than the women face in her age.

Did Cheri Oteri Undergone Plastic Surgery

Rumors about possible Cheri Oteri plastic surgery started just recently, when she has reached that age where her face should show some signs of aging. Also, there seems to have been some minor changes in actress’s appearance which can be seen looking at photo comparisons. It is speculated that she might have had a blepharoplasty, face lift, eye lift, rhinoplasty, chin implant and Botox injections.

This is a long list, but none of these surgeries have been confirmed and the only possible proof is photo comparisons. It is possible that she really did have a rhinopolasty procedure – her nose does appear to be thinner when compared to how it looked before. The rumors about chin implant surgery might be true too – now actress’s chin looks more pronounced while previously her face looked rounder. Rumors about the face lift procedure started because Cheri Oteri’s face has a tight appearance which is often considered a proof of this procedure.

However, none of the rumors about Cheri Oteri plastic surgery have been confirmed. It is interesting that actress hasn’t either confirmed nor denied these rumors – people are free to create all kinds of rumors and speculations. Either way, actress’s face doesn’t look very natural for her age and there’s a big possibility that she did have at least a little plastic surgery like face lift and Botox injections which are now very popular amongst celebrities. Nowadays we can hear a lot of stories about plastic surgeries that went wrong but Cheri Oteri plastic surgery certainly isn’t one of those, at least for now.
All in all, it appears that at least some of the rumors about Cheri Oteri plastic surgery are true. Even though she hasn’t confirmed nor denied any of them, photo comparisons show enough evidence to know where’s the truth. While Cheri Oteri looks great for her age, we can see that her face doesn’t look completely natural. Who knows how she will look in a few years if she continues to surgically alter her appearance. In this case, only time will tell.


For a woman in that age over 40, especially in America it’s not too surprising if they would like to have a facelift. From her current appearance, you might be able to see obviously that she had done a facelift. The face skin looked so tight. It might be too tight and made her face frozen and unnatural. She has no sagging skin like common people does. There’s no doubt if facelift must be behind of it.

Eyelid Surgery

Like the facelift, an eyelid surgery would be very helpful to fight aging. Cheri actually wanted to rejuvenate the eyelid-look. But the result ws not as good as she dreamed. Her eyelid didn’t look better. The eyelid surgery had made er wyes looked smaller than usual. Some people criticize her current eyes due to they love the previous one.

Nose Job

This popular procedure, nose job, was also done by her. You can see it by comparing her new nose and the previous one. Like common American celebrities who went under a rhinopasty, she also made her nose thinner than before. She has no longer bulbous nose. The result was good enough. She seems more confident after all.

Chin Implants

Another obvious plastic surgery that she did was the chin implants. It can be seen clearly from the shape of her face. The chin area looked more pointed thn she used to have. By having the chin implants, she got a new shape of face. She looked having more oval face

Beside those four, she was also reported having amount of botox injected on her face to remove the wrinkles on her face area.

Overall, unless the overdone facelift and the eyelid surgery, she might have a better look today. Fortunately, the overdone work didn’t make her unrecognizable. We hope that whenever she wanted to have plastic surgery (again) in the future, she need to be wiser.